Hayato Ikoma


Email: hayato.ikoma(at)10xgenomics(dot)com

Github: https://github.com/hayatoikoma


I am working on computational imaging and image analysis problems related to in-situ multiomics imaging technologies at 10x Genomics and am a former Ph.D. student of Stanford Computational Imaging Group at Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University. For my Ph.D. research, I was focusing on the development of computational imaging techniques for fluorescence optical microscopy, and I am broadly interested in signal processing, machine learning and optimization. Particularly, most of my Ph.D. works focused on the end-to-end optimization of optical imaging systems, which involves machine learning and micro fabrication of an optical element. I also served as a teaching assistant for EE267: Virtual Reality for five years and have written the template of homework in JavaScript with Three.js.

Before coming to Stanford University, I worked on new computational imaging techniques for fluorescence optical microscopy and a space telescope at MIT Media Lab and Centre de Mathématiques et Leurs Applications at École Normal Supérieure de Cachan (CMLA, ENS Cachan) in France. I also worked on an image processing algorithm for head-mount displays at the Google's Daydream team and a learning-based computational photography at the Google's Perception team as an intern. My work at Google contributed to Cinematic Photos of Google Photos.


Ph.D., Electrical Enginnering, Stanford University, Sept 2015 - June 2021

M.S., Applied Mathematics, Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan, July 2015

M.S., Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2014

M.S., Biophysics, Kyoto University, March 2012

B.E., Materials Engineering, University of Tokyo, March 2010


Jacques Hadamard Mathematics Foundation (9/2014 - 6/2015)

Funai Overseas Scholarship (9/2012 - 5/2014)

Iwadare Scholarhip (4/2011 - 3/2012)

Working experience

Google Inc., June 2019 - December 2019

Google Inc., June 2016 - September 2016

Teaching experience

Teaching assistant: EE267: Virtual Reality (Sprint 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021)



Workshops / Presentations

Programming skills

Research skills

